Taurus energy signifies the consistent efforts we take to make our dreams reality. It’s a fixed sign, so it keeps things going and growing. It’s stubborn which is amongst its strongest qualities because when we are stubborn we know our boundaries and worth.
Its energy can be used to gain mastery over the daily grind we endure to become the person who makes our dreams manifest. It keeps us grounded in the real world and helps us to see things as it is vs how we would like it to be. This helps us to navigate the material world and source out the resources we need for long term sustainability.
Taurus values predictability and stability. Its lessons revolve around how we engage with the physical world. It represents our relationship with material things and our ability to connect to the earth through our senses.
Taurus can be too dependent on material possession which can lead to hoarding things not needed. Taurus has the ability to make and maintain beautiful and useful things. To activate Taurus, spend time gardening, cooking, making art, or creating healing remedies.
Taurus rules the neck and the neck keeps our head on our shoulders! Its energy reminds us that our ideas can be manifested in reality with consistent efforts and strong boundaries that keep us focused on what’s most important to us.
Taurus is ruled by our beliefs. Our beliefs are a direct reflection of what we value. What we value determines how we show up in the world. How we show up in the world attracts resources and opportunities to us.
For Taurus season, set your focus on what you value! This will help you to utilize this energy to create boundaries that support your becoming, make efforts that actually make a difference in you reaching your goals, and keep you on track when life be lifin’.
We can help you! Schedule a discovery call and let’s talk about what you want to focus your energy on.