Hermit, 8 Wands, Knight of Swords, The Hanged Man, Judgement, 3 Cups ( reversed ) 9Wands,
Ankles, Respiratory System, Circuitry System, Heart, aorta, blood circulation, blood pressure, heart rate, Pancreas, small intestine, cecum, colon, digestive tract, duodenum, rectum, sense organs: eyes and ears, Kidney, ureter, urinary bladder, veins, skin as an organ of touch, pancreas, insulin, glucagon, Genitals, rectum, anus, urethra, genital glands, ovaries, prostate, pubic bone, genes.
Virgo ( The Hermit ) , Sagittarius ( 8 of wands ),
Neptune ( Hanged Man ), Pluto, Mercury ( 8 of Wands )
Earth, Air, Water, Fire
Fixed, Mutable
11 (11th Zodiac) , 8 (8 of Swords) , 2 (2nd Month), 1 (1st Month), 0 (Fool)
Release, Mental, Winter, Innovation, Expansion, Exploration, Adventure, Unknown, Strength of mental mind.
Week Overview
Writing new programs or rewriting existing programs emotional, spiritual, and mental. The kings orders. . New Mental Cycle, Sustainable, Mastery of Self, detaching mental mind from emotional cycle that’s playing itself out in present situation, Higher Mind in the Physical Body which means too pay attention to your movements. There showing you inconsistency within self. Pay attention to why you are doing what you are doing. Pay attention to what you say. Contemplate, Is that really how you feel? A time to break down and evuated what are those feelings telling you?
A time to be present. Following oof of feeling. Releasing of mental control. Understanding off of feeling. A time to look at your self from the perceptive of another. Only then will you understand who you really have become and where you are headed. Follow your s to where ever they leave you.
New perspective about a situation. Feeling release of mental bondage about a situation. Release of immature fears. A time for doing. Release of over thinking, immature ways, mental unrest, overcompensating. Time for just going for what you want with free mind. Freedom to do what you really want to do. Feeling need to explore and being free from restriction. Feeling of adolescent. Wanting to play, wanting to be free. Wanting to explore. Feeling of needing to release, Feeling a need to test boundaries to see the strength in them. Having a new sense of purpose. Feeling release on constrictions. Moving from figuring out what you wanting to do to now being free to actually do it. The need to express what you are feeling.
The Aquarius Energy is very mental. This is the time to focus on releasing yourself from all mental blocks a time for renewal. A time for letting go and being free to make mistakes or take risk.
Jan 20
Day's Theme: Soul Renewal
Tarot Influence: The Hermit
Numerology: 20/2,
Zodiac Influence: Virgo (The Hermit)
Solar Influences: Aquarius
Lunar Influences: Eclipse in Cancer
Keywords: Soul Searching, contemplation, renewal, self care, nurturing,
meditation, prayer
Energy Reading: Look into your soul for the answers. This week ahead will be about learning about what’s in your soul. Situations may come up to remind you what your soul wants to learn. A day for reflection on up coming cycle.
Jan 21
Day's Theme: Spiritual Guidance
Tarot Influence: 8 Wands
Numerology Influence: 8 ( Tarot ), 21/3 ( Date)
Keywords: Spiritual guidance, Moving Forward, Spiritual Clarity,
Progression, Power, Authority, Mastery, Rebirth, Transformation , Creativity
Zodiac influence: Sagittarius (8 Wands)
Solar Influences: Sun Enter Aquarius
Lunar Influences: Moon Enters Leo
Planet Influences: Mercury ( 8 of Wands )
You are being guided to move forward with your plans. Things are moving in the direction you need to be going in. Follow the prompts of your heart. Listen to the signs that your spirit guides are showing you. Let your emotions be your guide for today.
Zodiac influence: Sagittarius (Tarot)
Full Lunar Eclipse:
Two seemingly opposite energies collide together. Aquarius and Leo one is about progression of humanity the other is about progression of Self. But in reality they work together quite well when the ego is aligned and realizes that progression of the Self is necessary for progression of humanity. Want to change the world? You must start with self!!
Jan 22
Tarot Influence: Knight of Swords ⚔️
Astrology Influence: Moon waning gibbous in Leo, Aquarius ( Sun + Knight of Swords) , Capricorn (Knight of Swords)
Planet Influence:
Element Influence: Earth ( Knight of Swords) , Air ( Knight of Swords) ,
Numerology: 22: 22/4
Keywords: determination, sustaining, keeping pace, rushing, things moving fast, deju. Slow down, reflection, take caution. Things are moving fast.
Energy Reading: You woke up feeling you have to forge forward. Your mind is set and you are ready to move. Moving on no matter the mental blockages. Forging right into it, no matter the outcome. Charging forward right into the past cycle. You have things to get done, so you got to move into what seems like new territory, but you’ve been here before. New people, same game. You are guided by past desires or a past situation.
January 23/5
Theme of Day: Time Out
Tarot Influence: Hangman Reversed
Keyword: Disruption, Delay, Chaos, Creativity Stifled, Pause, Reflection, Mental Delay, Grounded, Can't see passed emotions.
Astrology Influence: Moon: Waning Gibbous in Virgo, Sun in Aquarius
Planet Influence: Neptune ( Hanged Man) Pisces is Neptune and its energy is something to may attention too.
Element Influence: Water
Numerology: 23/ 5, 12/3 ( Hanged Man)
Energy Reading: Feeling stalled you have this great idea, but not time to move on it. Wanting to progress and move, but can’t. Day can have a dream, like quality to it. You may also really desire to expand your dreams. Mental is a way trying to compute all the many ways it can make your dreams come true. You may not have access to your higher mind. May lack mental focus. It's a time for dreaming the biggest dreams. Let your emotions have fun in your dreams, so virgo can reveal what is possible and in alignment and what is not. Allow it to let you know if you are moving in the right directions. Let it tell you what you need to focus your energy on this coming cycle. Your emotions are going through tranfermation. Let it work itself. May feel a little off today.
January 24
Theme: Read Between for Answers
Numerology: 24/6 (Date), 20/2 (Tarot)
Chakra Influences: Third Eye 👁, Sacral Chakra
Solar Influence: Sun in Aquarius
Lunar Influence: Waning Gibbous in Virgo
Tarot Influence: Judgement
Planet Influence: Pluto; Current; Pluto in Capricorn
Elemental Influence: Fire
Keywords: Communication, cooperation, harmony, Balance, partnership, duality, Judgement, rebirth, inner calling, absolution, healing, transformation, determination,
Color: Indigo
Crystal: Clear Quartz
Energy Reading: Today will be a day filled with synocrites. A day filled with "aha" moments and enlightenment. You feel purpose driven today. You feel like you are in the right place at the right time. It’s a time for seeing beyond. It’s a very spiritual day. Desire for stability, Communion, Strong foundations. Seeing through the cracks. Seeing opurtionies for future structures and foundations. Taking opportunities for future. Message revealed. Prayers Answered.
Jan 25
Theme: Feeling A lot, Lost for Words
Tarot Influence: 3 cups (reversed)
Zodiac Influences: Cancer (3 Cups),
Numerology Influences: 25/7 ( Date ), 3 (Tarot)
Solar Influence: Sun in Aquarius
Lunar Influence: Waning Gibbous Moon in Libra
Planet Influence: Mercury ; Mercury in Cancer, Currently: Mercury in Aquarius
Chakra Influence: Throat, Crown, Sacral, Heart
Keyword: An affair, feel too many people, stifled creativity, groups, growth, Emotions, creativity, intuition, relationships, Reflection, assessment, knowledge, Communication, Intelligence, communication, mind, language, logic, reasoning, learning, dexterity, mobility, curiosity
Energy Reading: Feeling stuck in emotions. It's a day for gaining knowledge and insight. Not feeling connected to people. Not feeling they understand you and how you are feeling. Wanting time alone for contemplation. Don’t feel like socializing. Very Emotional and Spiritual day. Feeling out of sorts. Having intense feelings. It’s for your spiritual growth. May having trouble communicating how you are feeling to others. May want to write and express, but may find it hard to express. Finding it hard to express how you are feeling. Take time to meditate and don't stress out about not wanting to express yourself. Just relax into your feelings and let the words come to you.
Jan 26
Theme: Feeling A lot
Tarot Influence: 9 Wands (reversed)
Zodiac Influences: Sagittarius (9 Wands),
Numerology Influences: 26/8 ( Date ), 9 (Tarot), 2 (Moon)
Solar Influence: Sun in Aquarius
Lunar Influence: Waning Gibbous Moon in Libra
Planet Influence: Moon, Mars (9)
Letters: B K R
Elemental Influence: Fire,
Chakra Influence: Crown
Keywords: Fruition, attainment, fulfillment, Mastery, action, accomplishment, Inspiration, energy, enthusiasm, On edge, defensive, hesitant, paranoia, Infinity, Emotion, Needs, instincts, mother(ing), the family, home, security/insecurity, habits, subconscious,
(night consciousness), the past, Will to action, How one pursues what one wants, vitality, assertion, directness, passion, fight-or-flight
Themes: Higher Knowledge
Energy Reading: Financial growth. Situations will bring opportunities for financial expansion.
You will be able to see financial opportunities in ordinary situations. There is an end to situation. Transformation in the way you communicate. It will be also a change in direction. Your focus will shifted.
Theme Song This week: Pretty little fears