The current health pandemic Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) has everyone shook. Check out the informational blog we wrote here. Here is brief recap of the virus. COVID-19 — “co” and “vi” for coronavirus, “d” for disease, and “19” for the year when the disease emerged. It is a group of viruses including the newly identified form of the virus, COVID-19, there are a total of seven coronaviruses that can infect humans. There are other well-known coronaviruses which include SARS and MERS.

The virus affects the respiratory and causes pneumonia. There are a total of seven coronaviruses that can infect humans. The most noted symptoms are fever, cough and shortness of breath. It can also cause body aches, runny nose, sore throat, vomiting and diarrhea. Some cases are mild, such as the common cold, while others are more likely to lead to pneumonia. They're usually spread through direct contact with an infected person.
People who have comprised immune, lymph and respiratory systems are at more of risk to develop serious cases. If you smoke, age 60+, and/ or suffer with chronic conditions you are at risk of developing a severe case. The best thing to do if you fall in this category is to stop smoking, avoid large crowds of people, and be sure to follow the care plan that your health provider has prepared for you. Be sure to keep your medication stocked and on hand incase you need it.
The best advice I can give about preventing the virus from being a major threat is to adopt a more healthier life style starting right now. This will better your overall being - mind, body and soul and in turn, will boost your immunity and lessen your chances of developing a severe case. However, there is no way to stop the virus from happening. Keeping your being as healthy as possible is key, so that it is functioning efficiently. In the event, that you do come in contact, hopefully, you don’t develop a severe case. Below, we put together a basic guide to assist in better overall health and strengthening the complete being - mind, body, spirit, soul.
Holistic Guideline for Prevention:
Stay hydrated by Drinking at least 70oz of liquid daily this includes water, Fresh Vegetable Juice, Aloe Vera Juice, Kombucha,Naturally Infused water and Herbal Tea. Plain Water should be your main source! Spring water is ideal.
Eat healthy by consuming whole foods that are high in Zinc, Fiber, Magnesium and Vitamin C. Nourishment: Citrus ( orange & lemon), Greens (Spinach & Watercress), Pineapple, Apples, Berries ( Avocado, Strawberries, Blueberries , Elderberry), Melon (Canlope, Honey dew and watermelon), Mushrooms, Cabbage, Okra, Red Pepper, Cucumber, Celery, Carrots, Garlic, Onions, Fish (Salmon), Herbs (Mint, Nettles, Yarrow, Chamomile, Rosemary, Oregano, Parsley, Ginger), Seaweeds, Spices (Turmeric).Seeds, (Chia, Hemp, Flax, Sunflower and Pumpkin), Nuts (Almonds, walnuts and almonds) Also, consider zinc & vitamin c supplements to help boost your Immune, respiratory and Lymph System. Try a good probiotic to help with digestive system to keep it flowing and releasing waste from the body. Avoid: Packaged high in sugar processed food and fast-food restaurants).
Develop mindfulness by meditating for at 5 -10min daily, taking deep cleansing breaths, and/ or saying a prayer daily. This will help to keep stress down. Stress, worry and anxiety can be major triggers for lowering your immune & Lymph system.
Keep moving, do some light exercises such a 30min brisk outdoor walk, 5 - 10 minute Qi gong, or yoga routine to enliven the body ; getting your lymph, circulation and immune system moving.
Self Care Ritual. Take a immunity boosting bath to detox the body of unnecessary waste - Epsom Salt, Pink Himalayan Salt, lavender Oil, Alcohol and use limestone to to scrub feet. Do light massage rinse, dry and add lavender and/ or clove oil.
Take time to Fast. Avoid eating 2hrs before bed and 2hrs upon walking. Giving your digestive system a break from processing food, so that it can beginning the regeneration process and boost your defense against germs. Hold Space and work through your emotional issues by talking to someone or journaling. Seeking support for your healing can provide major break though. Considering allowing another to hold space for you. Also, consider Writing. Write down things you want to accomplish and create the steps on what you need to do to accomplish. write about your fears. What could this health epidemic be bringing up for you? Both talking and writing can be powerful tools in freeing the body up from holding on to unnecessary stress. Get Rest Spending time laying or sitting down doing nothing, not watching tv, listening to radio, meditating, or reading, just sit there and just be. Also, Get at least 6hrs of restful sleep a night. Try to practice a night routine and going to bed around the same time every night. Spend time doing something that you love doing. It could be creative project, travel and adventure or just hanging with a friend. Do what ever makes you feel alive.
Basic Prevention
Avoid contact with sick individuals Wash hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds Carry alcohol-based hand sanitizer so you can keep your hands clean even when you’re not near a sink Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth Clean and disinfect high-traffic surfaces, like keyboards, phones, remote controls and door handles, and thoroughly wash glasses and utensils Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash — if you don’t have a tissue, use the crook of your arm Stay home if you are not feeling well.
Make list of what you may need Stock your refrigerator with easy to warm/ prepare meals especially if you live alone frozen or even can food. 10.Stock water 11.Update contact list 12.Check health insurance 13. Update will and life insurance 14.Make sure to have fever and flu meditation or herbal 15. Clean and sanitize home 16.Make arrangements with
If you get sick: Basic Holistic Treatment
Rest and Sleep
Stay hydrated Stay cool
Keep track of your temperature & weight
Drink juice, broth, tea, smoothie Write down your thoughts Aromatherapy or humidifier Lavender and eucalyptus oil Facial Steam to break up congestion in chest
Do relaxing things: Read a book, listen to music, Beige Watch your favorite show
Where possible get some fresh air
Take bath to detox the body - Epson Salt, Pink Himalayan Salt, lavender Oil, Alcohol and use limestone to to scrub feet.
Do light massage rinse, dry and add lavender and/ or clove oil. You can also take a warm shower.
Book a wellness consultation for more ideas.
If symptoms are severe, please contact your healthcare provider.