“To love women, to love our vaginas, to know them and touch them and be familiar with who we are and what we need. To satisfy ourselves, to teach our lovers to satisfy us, to be present in our vaginas, to speak of them out loud, to speak of their hunger and pain and loneliness and humor, to make them visible so they cannot be ravaged in the dark without great consequence, so that our center, our point, our motor, our dream, is no longer detached, mutilated, numb, broken, invisible, or ashamed.” —Eve Ensler, The Vagina Monologues
What is Yoni Steam?
Yoni steaming, also known as vaginal steaming, is a practice in which a woman allows the warmth of herbal steam to permeate the exterior of her vagina. Respected by healers around the globe, yoni steaming is an opportunity to reconnect with your body and utilize the wisdom of plant medicine to heal your cycle.
I love Yoni Steams. They make me happy. I mean really happy. They cleanse me out and purify my soul. It release past lover's influences from my yoni. I feel rejuvenated every time I do one which is usually once a month the day after the bleeding stops from my cycle. It opens my yoni up to spiritual impregnation.
Who Could Benefit?
Women who may benefit from a yoni steam would be those with the following conditions: uterine fibroids, painful menstruation, uterine weakness, uterine prolapse, irregular menstrual cycles, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, reproductive adhesion/scar tissue, previous vaginal tear or episiotomy, and dark purple or brown blood at the onset or end of menses.
Benefits of Vagina Steam:
There are so manny benfits to doing a yoni steam. It's purify, Cleansing, and healing, Calming, Soothing, annd Relaxing, Rejuvenates Yoni Muscles, Opens Spiritual Portal, Just to name a few.
Ingredients: like to use a mix of Fresh Herbs and Dry Herbs. In additional to Rose Water, Pink Salt, and Crystals. Only the best for my Yoni! Yoni Steams can vary depending on the women and her yoni needs.
Rose Water
"Rose water has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce the redness of irritated skin, get rid of acne, dermatitis and eczema. It is a great cleanser and aids in removing oil and dirt accumulated in clogged pores", says Dr. Deepali Bhardwaj
Rose water is basically a by-product of rose oil through distillation of pure fresh rose petals. To make even a little of this oil, a large number of rose petals are used hence making this delicate extraction very expensive.
Warm Water:
Warms up the yoni area. It is relaxing and soothing on the vagina walls.
Crystal healing is an alternative medical technique in which crystals and other stones are used to cure ailments and protect against disease. Proponents of this technique believe that crystals act as conduits for healing — allowing positive, healing energy to flow into the body as negative, disease-causing energy flows out.
Red Tiger's Eye: insight, creativity, confidence, powerful presence, personal power
Chakras: Root Chakra, Sacral
Citrine: success; aids in finding your true purpose in life
Chakras: Solar Plexus, Sacral
Red Jasper: healing from sexual shame, strong pelvic support, healing womb trauma
Chakras: Root, Sacral
Rose Quart: cultivation of self-love and connecting with the heart chakra
Chakras: Heart, Root
Garnet: purity, truth, love and compassion. It brings constancy to friendships. Success in business
Chakras: Root
Amethyst: sedative that can promote peacefulness, happiness, and contentment.
Chakras: Crown
The secret language of herbs can also be used as a gentle reminder for yourself of qualities you want to cultivate in yourself
Dry Herbs:
Rose Petal:
Physical: are gentle and astringent to tissues of the genitals. Rose is a relaxing and uplifting herb.
Spiritual, Emotional, Mental: love, victory
Chakras: Root Chakra, Sacral, Heart
Physical: It has been used as an emmenagogue and a uterine tonic in women.
Spiritual, Emotional, Mental: energy in adversity, patience, long life, wisdom
Chakras: Root Chakra, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Crown
Physical: has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, and skin aging, and should also help improve the lining of the vagina
Spiritual, Emotional, Mental: Sacred affection, joy, remembrance, grief
Chakras: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus
Raspberry Leaf:
Physical: is cooling, drying, astringent, toning, and stimulating. Builds and restores the tissue of the uterus and harmonizes menses
Spiritual, Emotional, Mental: Protection, Love
Chakras: Root, Sacral, Heart
Lavender: One of the most relaxing herbs, calms the mind and body. Nourishing to the nervous system and is antiseptic to the vaginal tissues. It is also an antispasmodic, aiding in healthy uterine function.
Spiritual, Emotional, Mental: housewifely virtue, acknowledgement
Chakras: Root, Sacral, Crown
Fresh Herbs
Rosemary: Increases circulation to the reproductive organs, aids in clearing out of old fluids, is also antiseptic and purifying
Spiritual, Emotional, Mental: remembrance, love, loyalty, fidelity
Chakras: Root, Sacral, Heart
Bee Balm: s strongly antifungal, lending itself to combatting topical infections as well as imbalanced flora such as candida overgrowth and chronic vaginal yeast infections
Spiritual, Emotional, Mental: Love, Success, Healing
Chakras: Root Chakra, Sacral, Heart
Oregano: used to bring on menses. Increases scanty flow. This herb is used for its antiseptic, stimulating and strengthening qualities. Oregano is a wonderful herb for aiding in prevention of infection.
Spiritual, Emotional, Mental: joy
Chakras: Root, Sacral, Heart
Pink Himalayan Salt: Salt kills bacteria, viruses and funguses and arrests their growth. The mucous membranes will become moist again and will rejuvenate, thus building up resistance against new infections.
Chakras: Root Chakra, Sacral
Breathe: Breathing is key to yoni steam. Breathing allows the body to relax into itself. It feels good to experience the body in this way. Take the time to breathe into your yoni for deep pleasurable awakening.
Yoni Affirmation:
I release all stagnant energies from my yoni
I release all previous lovers and their mental, emotional, spiritual, physical, sexual and meta physical influences from my yoni
I release all emotional and physical traumas from my yoni
I release all negative mental perceptions about my yoni
I am open to feeling deep in my yoni
I am open to amazing orgasms through my yoni
I am open to receiving pleasure in my yoni
I am open to listening to the needs of my yoni
I am open to holistic healing of my yoni
I will love my yoni
I will not allow any impurities inside of my yoni
I will not allow any unintentional souls in my yoni
I will be in alignment with any soul I allow in my yoni
I will respect my yoni
My yoni is beautiful
My yoni is strong
My yoni is powerful
My yoni is spiritual
I am my yoni my yoni is me.
The power to create and sustain life is deep within the knowing of me
Yoni Herbal 🌿 Steam Video:
I'm so excited that I will be offering yoni steams Spring 2019 as a wellness mobile service. Please email me at wellnesshonie@gmail.com for more information!